CVs are jolly important if you want to work in administrative jobs. You could argue as I do, that they're less relevant when applying for a job in the creative industries. But they are still important.

Below are a few pointers to help you get your CV into shape. It does not matter if you are applying for a job in graphic design, as a web designer or in any other creative role. Us, as employers, look for the same things in a CV.

  • Do your upmost to keep it to one side of A4. I know that is hard, especially if you have experience that you would like to list.
  • Remember we will look at your qualifications, but only to see if you have some. They do not need to take up the first third of the page.
  • Use two or three columns to condense the depth of information (like qualifications), it will save space for the good stuff.
  • Don't cram it all in. Use space and an ample point size so that your aged employer can actually read it. We would rather read two pages of well spaced, elegantly set typography than one page of hideous text crammed into a Word file.
  • List experience, but keep it relevant. Woking in a petrol station does not usually help (I worked in a petrol station) unless you had a high level of responsibility.
  • Customise your CV for each application. If you are applying for a branding job, highlight your branding experience or if you don't have any, talk about how you love it.
  • Try to communicate your understanding of the main role that you are applying for.
  • Include a link to your website and contact info. Make sure you check your email account every day.
  • I've noticed a trend to include a photograph of yourself. OK, but this will create a first impression, before you get a chance to make a real first impression.
  • Read 'What to put in your portfolio and get a job:graphic design', shameless plug but I don't care.
  • Ah, the all important hobbies and interests. Be honest. If you like sky diving, make sure you have been sky diving. Nothing worse than getting to an interview and the person interviewing you is a sky diving instructor.
  • If you do have personal projects and interests, show them. It helps us understand what an amazingly rounded human being you are.
  • Get it checked and then get it checked again.
  • Don't over design it. Think Swiss typography. Flowers, cartoons and unnecessary elements will make us form a style opinion about you, risky stuff.
  • Make sure your accompanying letter is inspiring.

